Supply issues

To my previous customers who were affected by my earlier supplier issues 

First I unreservedly apologies for those who did not receive orders on time or at all, the issues surrounding quality, substandard print or any of the other unsatisfactory product.

I will not name companies here are this is all allegations based on my own experience and that reported to me by customers.

The main issues resulted in a few factors.

The model I chose to launch my collection and products was based on a similar principle to drop shipping. Print on demand offers a service that you can integrate into many online store or website platforms. In brief me aka the store owner uploads high quality images of our art (or choose from extensive stock librarys) and uses their online application to place it into clothing, change the colour, add patterns, variants and a wide range of customisation. Save the design and it can be immediately be offered live in your store for customers to buy.There are benefits to this model, such as being able to create  a brand or merchandise or something you need with little time and zero to tiny budget. Not having to invest in buying stock or deal with shipping, logistics, stock, and alll that type of time consuming and complex process.Starting your own business with zero stock and no budgets may sound too good to be true for some. I have certainly found many confusing catches, loopholes and more the extent of which I'm going to end this section here for the moment and discuss this in much more detail in an upcoming post so keep your eye out!

whats next

i have taken on a new method of getting my online ambition back on the ground.

Handmade, expression, unique, inspiring, oddities and quality all curated by careful design and sometimes  hard hitting or thought provoking pieces as a way to effect change through illustrating the narrative where voice alone is silenced or otherwise inaffective.

By using visual communication, I am currently working under the concept of 6000 in six images. Based on the idea that a picture says 1000 words.

This is displayed strongly in my work and personal life, where communication especially spoken word is a constant, exhausted minefield that often feels impossible to navigate. Imagery and visual communication is an invaluable tool for so many and therefore I wish to oversee, plan and be at the center over every single project of product line as much as I can. 

Equally this reduces environmental impact as I plan to work towards environmentally friendly, sustainability and upcycling in my future vision. 

These things all align with my company mission statement, motto and the like. 

my immediate concern is the bad experiences a few customers faced. Therefore if I have not contacted you do discuss this please feel free to contact me.

New ways of working and future plans for a successful venture are in the works.

Outsourcing every aspect to a range of 3rd party companies loosely interconnected or not I do not approve of the previous moduleI choose. This means almost everything is done in house by myself now, I am trying to use quality materials and tools all while also keeping myself well red into classic and well as contemporary methods on fabric printing, dress making and that which  allows me to experiment with techniques and equipment. My sense of direction is much higher and has helped me map out what next, and I am in the process of creating and effective cost management.